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Individual solutions

Vscan Air™ + Digital Tools

Vscan Air + Digital Tools for individual clinicians can help improve workflow with secure collaboration and image management solutions.

Powerful imaging.
Powerful connections.

GE HealthCare Handheld Ultrasound image GE HealthCare Handheld Ultrasound image

Individual Solutions gives you access to:

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Securely store and Share Exams

Easily upload exams to the cloud from the Vscan Air app with this secure cloud-based PACS data and image storage and review solution.

• Eliminate the need to hold data on mobile device to minimize data privacy risks
• Share studies for training, education, and consultations
• Supports DICOMweb™ export
• Share images with staff digitally to get faster second opinions and referrals
• Access images and data from anywhere
1 Works with Centricity Zero Footprint and Enterprise Archive.
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Real-time Collaboration

Connect with colleagues and educators in real-time with audio, video and screen share capabilities from the Vscan Air app.

• Easily and securely share Vscan Air app screen with peers
• Broadcast Vscan Air app screen
• Receive scan guidance, support and oversight
• Train users, run ultrasound labs – from anywhere
2 MyRemoteShare is not intended for diagnostic use.
Schedule a virtual demo of Vscan Air + Digital Tools

How can Vscan Air + Digital Tools impact your practice?

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Get more with Vscan Air.

More Control
Decide how and where to store your exams and images, and what should remain on your device.

More Privacy
HIPAA compliant with end-to-end data encryption for sharing data from the Vscan Air app.

More Convenience
Securely share and store directly from the Vscan Air app.

More Collaboration
Securely share exams or start real-time screen sharing, right from the Vscan Air app.

Vscan Air Resources

Individual Solutions Overview

Vscan Air: The Power of a High Performance Ultrasound in the Palm of Your Hand

Vscan Air Product Demo

Vscan Air Brochure

Digital Tools FAQ's for Individual Solutions

With Vscan Air, you get crystal-clear image quality in a handheld ultrasound system for whole-body scanning. With Vscan Air + Digital Tools for individual clinicians, you get solutions that can help improve workflow with secure collaboration and image management solutions. It connects you to a suite of user-centric digital tools through an optional subscription to help you get more from your Vscan Air handheld ultrasound devices.
If you are part of an organization that needs to manage multiple Vscan Air devices, want to have visibility into who is using the devices and want the ability to easily collaborate with colleagues, the Fleet Solutions offering is likely the recommended solution for you.

If you are an individual user who needs a secure store solution for exam images and data, and want the ability easily to collaborate with colleagues, the Individual Solutions offering is likely the recommended solution for you.
Vscan Air + Digital Tools delivers enhanced control, security, privacy, and image management for the use of your Vscan Air handheld ultrasound devices. The digital suite of solutions is HIPAA-compliant with end-to-end data encryption via the TLS protocol for sharing data from the Vscan Air app. Solutions include control over the process and location for storing your exams and images, and for deciding what remains on your device and what is stored remotely.

MyImageCloud is a secure, cloud-based image storage and review solution that enables you to securely store and share your ultrasound exams. The portal supports the DICOMweb™ format for image data and eliminates the need to hold data on a mobile device, minimizing data privacy risks.
With MyRemoteShare1, you can easily and securely connect with colleagues and educators in real-time with audio, video, and screen share capabilities for training and support such as scan guidance and oversight.

Remote training and technical support are as simple as starting a remote share session from the Vscan Air app. Access a range of scan guidance, training, and support to help your organization get more out of your fleet of Vscan Air handheld ultrasound devices.

On top of all of this, broadcasting to a designated group is easy. You’ll be able to broadcast your Vscan Air app screen remotely, whether for running an ultrasound lab, conducting training, or otherwise.

Products mentioned in the material may be subject to government regulation and may not be available in all countries. Shipment and the effective sale can only occur after approval from the regulator. Please check with your local GE HealthCare representative for details.
1MyRemoteShare is not intended for diagnostic use because image quality on the remote participant’s display cannot be validated, as Wi-Fi and data connectivity quality can vary.

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