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In a life-threatening emergency, every second counts. That’s why the crew at Geisinger Life Flight adopted Vscan Extend™ handheld ultrasound to help them save lives in the air and out in the field.

“We’ve been able to implement a lifesaving intervention really quickly, that we might not have been able to do had we not had ultrasound,” said Robert Strony, MD, Ultrasound Director with Geisinger Life Flight.

Vscan Extend helps them give Emergency Room teams at receiving hospitals valuable clinical information prior to the patient’s arrival in the trauma bay.

“If we can get that information to the emergency department, doctors, the trauma teams and surgeons, it will change the course of treatment and care, and will save lives,” said Jerry Splitt, Flight Nurse with Geisinger Life Flight.


The device has been verified for limited use outside of professional healthcare facilities. Use is restricted to environmental properties described in the user manual. Please contact your GE HealthCare sales representative for detailed information.